Scientific non-profit organizations include professional societies, advocacy groups and think tanks, research institutions, private foundations, and educational institutions like museums. These organizations employ researchers, communicators, educators, data analysts, policy advisors, project managers, finance specialists, and more. Non-profits can be small grassroots organizations with only a few employees, or large research foundations with thousands of employees.
The sections below provide examples of some non-profit organizations where geoscientists may work, but are by no means exhaustive. To explore additional non-profit employers, browse the GuideStar or Idealist databases.
Scientific societies support professionals in a given field, advocate for legislation aligned with the association's goals, produce educational resources, support community science, and more. There are many opportunities for geoscientists in societies, from roles in education to policy advocacy to public engagement. These jobs can also include a research component, often focused on education and workforce trends in a particular field.
Example employers:
American Geosciences Institute
Geological Society of America
American Geophysical Union
AGU Thriving Earth Exchange
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
SEG Geoscientists Without Borders
American Association for the Advancement of Science
International Association for Geoscience Diversity
Find a list of other geoscience societies here.
Non-profit scientific institutes engage in basic and applied research to expand our understanding of the world, guide policymaking, and benefit the environment and society. Research institutes vary in size and scope, employing scientists (typically with a MSc or PhD) in roles such as research scientist or research associate. In addition to research staff, institutes may employ administrators, communications staff, instrument technicians, ship crews, and other support staff. Non-profit foundations often provide funding for research or sponsor students, with a variety of positions in communications, finance, and more.
Example employers:
Paleontological Research Institution
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Schmidt Ocean Institute
Earth & Space Research
10,000 Years Institute
ARCS® Foundation
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Think tanks and advocacy organizations tend to be focused on policy and community science, bridging the gap between researchers, communities, and legislators by publishing research reports, advocating for new legislation, and engaging with community leaders. Scientists conduct research, collect and analyze data, develop recommendations for policymakers, and write reports. Communications and policy-focused roles interface with the public and government to promote the agenda of the organization.
Example employers:
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Conservation International
The Nature Conservancy
Geology for Global Development
Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Coalition for Clean Air
Non-profit educational organizations include museums, aquariums, zoos, and charities. Many professional societies also fall into this category. Some organizations offer educational programs directly to students or the public, while others are focused on providing resources and support to educators. Many roles, such as public relations, outreach, curriculum development, and exhibition curation, involve elements of science communication and public engagement. See also the Explore Employers page of the education sector.
Example employers:
GEM Environmental
Marine Science Institute
Paleontological Research Institution
The Field Museum of Natural History
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
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